

Taking the off-the-beaten path

For those feeling a bit more adventurous, there are other sites in the island worth hiking and traveling to. Mantigue, a small island just off the coast of Benoni, is also a beach haven. The island geography is mostly made up of a wide and long stretch of white sand, while the inland forest is home to a number of bird species.

The less-explored Tuasan Falls can be found southwest of the island, in Barangay Main it. The locals are adamant in having the rough trail convetied into a road, preferring that the falls remain in its natural state. An hour’s hike is required to get to the falls but is well worth it. While not as high as Katibawasan, Tuasan has more pool layers, rocks, and dramatic cascades. It is best to visit here in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the hot, mid-day hike. Guides are recommended.

Camiguin Beach

Tasting the local flavors

Exploring Camiguin may fill the eyes with wonder but the island can also fill your tumm y with its sumptuous offerings. The Tanguines Lagoon, a causeway that connects the J&A Fishpen/Travel  Lodge (tel. +6388 387 4008), a lodge-cum-floating restaurant to the sea, offers tasty seafood and other Filipino dishes along with refreshing views of the lagoon and the sea. For those looking for comfort food, head to Rooftop (www.camiguin; tel. +6388 387 0511 to 13), located at the busy thoroughfare of Mambajao proper. A spanking new restaurant, hotel, and bar, it serves very good pi zza and pasta. A bakeshop downstairs caters to sweet tooths.

Photo and Article Source: Mabuhay Magazine (PAL)

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