
Metro Manila


Chef Gino and Jenina Gonzalez’s first foray outside of Café Ysabel is this Spanish-Italian beauty of a restaurant. For your first trip to this small restaurant, it is recommended that you try any of the dishes with “buenisimo” attached to it, such as the buenisimo pizza with organic mozzarella and Parma ham, puttanesca alla buenisimo— longanisa Lucban with gourmet tuyo, olives, basil, and Parmesan cheese.

My thai

There is only so much you can do with Thai food after all, and this restaurant offers a no-nonsense Thai menu, tweaked just a little to the Filipino palette (i.e. less chili). Order anything, you can’t go wrong. Try out the combination of catfish salad eaten with the bagoong rice, it’s comfort food heaven. And order a tall glass of Thai iced tea, it goes with anything.

   My Thai’s sumptuous bagoong rice

  Buenisimo’s buenisimo pizza

The manor

While the Manor at City Walk 1 is more for dancing, the bar offers a wide range of concoctions to grease the wheels of shouted conversations over the loud music, provide liquid confidence for dancing, or simply quench one’s thirst. The chocolate orange martini goes down quite well, and the cherry amaretto is a nice refreshing treat.


Circa is a new hip night spot in City Walk 1 that gives a different experience to its other counterparts. With its fantastic laser light shows on the dance floor are matching drinks that you can’t find anywhere else. If you’re in an adventurous mood, try Oliver’s Twist, a cute layered drink that’s a lot like candy. But if you want something refreshing yet familiar, the Tequila Sunrise is always a sure bet.

Circa’s hip, candy-colored interiors 

The Manor’s cool and modern lounge area

The Eastwood Mall is located in Eastwood
City, E. Rodriguez, Jr. Avenue (C5),
Bagumbayan, Libis, Quezon City.
Phone number is +632 709 1893

Photo and Article Source: Mabuhay Magazine (PAL)

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