
Cagayan Valley

Cagayan Peñablanca Protected 
Landscape and Seascapes.

Eco features: Peñablanca, declared a protected landscape and seascape in 2003, is home to a handful of natural attractions including the sevenchambered Callao Caves, with massive limestone and rock formations, natural crevices that allow natural light to seep in, skylight, stalactites and stalagmites, and the famous fishing ground Cagayan River, endemic and threatened species like the Philippine eagle, Philippine pygmy fruit bat, crown flying fox, Isabela oriole, Gray’s monitor lizard, and the globally threatened frog species Rana tipanan. This area has some 178 species thriving, 19 of which are bird species endemic to the area.

Minoran River 

Minoran River 
Says MAYOR: "A unique attraction is the Minoran River that passes through a small rainforest, a bat cave, and a scenic gorge with limestone cliffs. At some point, rainfall-like waters coming from the thickly forested mountain drip from the edge of the gorge. At sunset, swarms of bats come out from the caves."

Supporting organization: The Toyota MotorCorporation(TMC)(url: www.toyota.com.ph), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) (url: www.denr.gov.ph), the Local Government Unit of Peñablanca, and Conservation International (CI)Philippines(url:www. conservation.org/explore/asia-pacific/philippines/Pages/overview.aspx) are partners that support sustainable projects of foresting and agroforesting in the area. Klub Natur organizes guided eco tours for five to 10 persons.

How to get there: Take a 12-hour bus drive via Florida Bus (tel:+632/ 743 3809) from Manila to Tuguegarao City. From the city, take a 30-minute ride to Penablanca.

Where to stay: In Tuguegarao City, Hotel Candice(tel:+6378/ 844 2001-02,url: www.hotelcandice.com) offers clean, cozy and affordable rooms with rates starting from P950 for a deluxe twin bed. PeÑablanca ,Cagayan Peñablanca Protected Landscape and Seascapes.

Photo and Article Source: Inflight Magazine ( Seair)

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