

View of The Beach

That is why I jumped at the opportunity when the trip to Leyte was first brought up by the Asian Journal Los Angeles columnist Prosy dela Cruz, J.D. through Balikbayan Magazine managing editor Louie Jon A. Sanchez. I have never been to Leyte, and the things I know of the place I only learned from books and the Internet which are never really enough to know or enjoy a certain place really. I was excited the minute the topic was opened up.

I became more excited as the day of the trip become nearer and nearer. And on the 16th of November, we flew to Tacloban, Leyte via a 5am flight from Manila. I am typically not one to wake up as early as 3am to make an early flight so it really counts for something when I am awake as early as 2:30 am. I knew there were great things in store for our trip. Waiting at the terminal provided a good opportunity to get to know one another, and Prosy is definitely one of the most fascinating people I have met (Now, if only I had my own show ala Barbara Walters and do a “Most Fascinating People” TV special). Time flew fast, and before we knew it, the announcement came that we should start boarding our plane. I caught up on sleep time the entire flight and landed at Tacloban, Leyte at 6:45am. The second we stepped out, we knew weren’t in Manila anymore. The air seemed sweeter and while it was raining when we left Manila, here we were welcomed by clear blue skies. It was only around 6am but it was already so bright, we had to reach into our carry-on bags for our shades. When we were walking to get our luggage’s, a bit sleepy if I may add, I noticed a tall, slender man looking at our direction, giving a smile, then Prosy immediately said that it was Jose “Joey” Lianza, the Director of Cultural Affairs and Special Projects at Leyte Normal University (LNU), who warmly welcomed us with a necklace of shells. It was evident the two have formed a wonderful friendship when Prosy got a chance to stay at LNU a few years before. And it was definitely a refreshing reunion for the both of them.

Photo and Article Source: Balikbayan Magazine

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